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Small Business Resources

National Resources

Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization

This site is the federal web portal for veterans in business. It features a variety of resources including information on funding, assistance programs, federal procurement, management and more.

IRS Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center

This page offers a broad range of resources across federal and state agencies, as well as industry/profession specific information for self-employed entrepreneurs, employers and businesses. Within this web page you will find links to starting and operating a business, employment taxes, tax law changes for business, business-related forms and publications and online learning options.

National Telecommuting Institute (NTI)

NTI is a unique educational/job-matching organization pioneering the development of telework jobs for Americans with disabilities. Empowering the disability community through accessible jobs, training and partnerships.

Small Business Administration (SBA)

SBA aids, counsels, assists and protects the interests of small businesses. This step-by-step guide can help with planning, launching, managing and growing your business.

Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE)

SCORE is dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of the nation’s small businesses. Find a location near you using the link above.

Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)

SBDCs provide valuable counseling, training and research services to business owners or prospective owners, operating in a rapidly changing business environment. Find an SBDC near you or learn more at the link above.

Washington Resources

Access Washington

This website provides all of the information you need to know about doing business in Washington.

Artist Trust

Artist Trust supports artists in Washington by providing information to tens of thousands of artists each year. They have granted more than $2.5 million in direct support to 1,213 of Washington State’s most promising musicians, writers, visual and craft artists, playwrights, choreographers, composers, performers and filmmakers.

Bank on Washington

Today, everybody can get a checking account and stop paying fees to cash checks. Even if you’ve had problems with an account in the past, have never had an account before, or don’t have a Social Security number, you can open a bank or credit union account in Seattle and King County. Deposit your money for free and pay bills at no additional cost.

Enterprise for Equity

Enterprise for Equity is a South Puget Sound-based, community-supported nonprofit that helps low-income people turn their ideas and talents into businesses.

Metropolitan Development Council

MDC provides low-income persons in Tacoma Pierce County with technical assistance in support of microenterprise development.

  • Location: 721 Fawcett Ave, Suite 201
    Tacoma, WA 98402
  • Phone: 253-383-3921
  • Hearing Impaired TDD: 253-591-0147

The Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises

The Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises helps create and sustain an equitable business environment by promoting the participation, in public contracting and procurement, of all qualified and available businesses owned and controlled by minorities, women and all others who may be socially and economically disadvantaged.

  • Location: 1110 Capitol Way S, Suite 150
    Olympia, WA 98501
  • Phone: 360-664-9750
  • TTY: 800-833-6384

Rural Community Development Resources (RCDR)

RCDR’s mission is to create wealth and empower individuals and disadvantaged entrepreneurs through job creation by providing access to capital, business assistance training and leadership development in rural counties throughout Washington State.

Seattle Public Library

The Seattle Public Library’s Business Department provides classes and workshops, business resources, one-on-one business appointments. To learn more, visit the website link below, or call 206-386-4636 and ask to speak to a business librarian.

Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP)

This program combines training, business counseling, and access to capital to give hard-working people business opportunities not otherwise available to them. The SNAP East office houses their business services.

  • Location: 500 S Stone
    Spokane, WA 99202
  • Phone: 509-456-SNAP (7627)

StartZone at Highline Community College

Entrepreneurship for immigrants, minorities, women and people with disabilities in southwest King County. Microenterprise Development Specialists (MDS) provide confidential, no-fee, one-on-one business development instruction and counseling to southwest King County entrepreneurs seeking assistance in the start-up and growth of a business.

  • Location: 2400 S. 240th St
    Des Moines, WA 98198
  • Phone: 206-592-3388


Ventures provides a business training course, microcredit lending services, technical business assistance and peer support to enable low-income women, people with disabilities and new immigrants/refugees to start or expand self-employment ventures.

  • Phone: 206-352-1945

Washington Initiative for Supported Employment (WISE)

WISE is dedicated to expanding employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities.

  • Phone: 206-343-0881